Pakistani Christian man in stable condition after mob attack; police arrest 26 of 44 suspects

A Christian in Sargodha, Pakistan, who was critically wounded in a mob attack on Saturday due to false allegations of blasphemy, is in stable condition. Read More The Christian Post…

Tribunal to weigh firing of theology lecturer from Methodist college over tweet on homosexuality

An employment tribunal in Sheffield, England, will review the controversial dismissal of Dr. Aaron Edwards, a theology lecturer at Cliff College in Derbyshire who was terminated after he tweeted about…

Pastor Ed Young resigns from Houston’s Second Baptist after 46 years, vows to ‘stay in battle’

H. Edwin Young, the senior pastor of Second Baptist in Houston and one of the most prolific Southern Baptist pastors in the United States, announced his resignation Sunday morning, ending…

Cannes Film Festival: Actress fights to show Jesus crown of thorns dress; man wins best actress award

The Cannes Film Festival was marked by controversial moments this year, including an incident on the red carpet when a female security guard clashed with Dominican actress Massiel Taveras, who…

Episcopal cathedral displays 500-foot ‘2,000 dragons’ artwork in sanctuary           

A California Episcopal Church cathedral has erected a 500-foot-long tapestry painting known as “2,000 Dragons” in its sanctuary to celebrate the Chinese year of the dragon. Read More The Christian…

Clarifying Loaded Words in the Evolution Debate

Biologist Robert Waltzer describes an encouraging success story of his about fostering open dialogue. Source Read More Evolution News

At least 19 killed after tornados hit multiple states Memorial Day weekend

A series of violent tornadoes tore through Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas over Memorial Day weekend, leaving at least 18 people dead, hundreds injured and thousands without power. The storms also…

Christian convert unlawfully imprisoned in Egypt denied medical treatment as health fails

An unlawfully detained Christian convert awaiting trial for more than three years in Egypt has been denied medical treatment despite his deteriorating health. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

How Can Christians Evangelize Mormons? (Video)

Are Christians Mormons? If not, how can we reach them with the true Gospel, given their misguided beliefs about Jesus?  To see more interview videos with J. Warner Wallace,…

Recommended Books on Historical Apologetics for The Gospels & Acts

I am often asked which books I recommend for defending the reliability of the Gospels/Acts and Christianity in general, so here is my list. It is not exhaustive, but it…

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