Join us at ‘With Liberty and Justice for All’ – Administrator

America was founded with the courage, hope and promise of individual sovereignty and liberty.  Our founding fathers understood the risk and peril of maintaining unalienable rights along with the cognitive liberty that is free from the bounds of a controlling tyranny.

Today, our world is faced with an evil collectivism that can certainly be referred to as a “gain of function” of nearly every terrible idea that has come before our generation: Marxism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism and a pressing desire to institute collectivism. Our liberties and freedoms are at risk.

How shall we preserve our freedoms and liberties? What is the path forward?

Join Michael O’Fallon, James Lindsay, Lily Tang Willams, Xi Van Fleet, William Roach, Andrew Woodard, Jon Benzinger and others as we explore what it means to live in a free society with a free conscience.

Click here to register now!

Sovereign Nations is an official sponsor of this event.

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– Sovereign Nations

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