Christian Mailman Win at Supreme Court Begs the Question: Do We Really Need Deliveries on Sunday?

A unanimous Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that reasonable religious accommodations must be granted to employees who don’t want to work on Sundays – unless doing so would result in…

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Affirmative Action Unconstitutional

In a blockbuster ruling on Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled affirmative action, as exercised in the college admission processes at Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC), are…

Female Lutheran pastor leads church in ‘sparkle creed’ prayer to ‘nonbinary’ God, says Christ Jesus had ‘2 dads’

A female Lutheran pastor in Minnesota has gone viral for leading her congregation in a “sparkle creed” prayer in honor of pride month in which she described God as “nonbinary”…

Christians protest Barclays Bank for closing charity’s account under pressure from ‘cruel’ LGBT activists

A Christian charity is holding a peaceful demonstration outside the London headquarters of Barclays Bank after it agreed to pay $25,200 (£20,000) in compensation for closing its account. .  Read More…

Canadian Disabled Woman Opts for Euthanasia Because She Can’t Get Timely Assistance

I am hearing about this kind of abandonment much more often since Canada loosened its euthanasia eligibility requirements. Source Read More Evolution News

Presidential candidates react to Supreme Court’s Harvard, UNC affirmative action ruling

Here are five reactions from both Democrat and Republican presidential hopefuls to the news of the Supreme Court decision concluding that race cannot be factored into student admissions. Read More…

ScienceAlert Vindicates My Findings About Human “Tails” — They Are NOT an Evolutionary Atavism

The article cites new literature that has appeared since I published my own review nine years ago. Source Read More Evolution News

Join us at ‘With Liberty and Justice for All’ – Administrator

America was founded with the courage, hope and promise of individual sovereignty and liberty.  Our founding fathers understood the risk and peril of maintaining unalienable rights along with the cognitive…

House Democrats: Abortion support is consistent with ‘fundamental tenets’ of our Catholic faith

Nearly three dozen Democrats serving in the United States House of Representatives have signed on to a letter insisting that their support for abortion is consistent with their Catholic faith,…

‘A victory for every American’: 5 reactions to Supreme Court’s Groff decision

The U.S. Supreme Court released a unanimous decision Thursday that vacated an earlier lower court ruling against a Christian postal worker who quit his job because he was forced to…

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