Evangelical Christians Aren’t Living in a Bubble. They’re Living in Reality.

After serving for a quarter-century in full-time Christian ministry, it’s become a familiar charge:

You live in a bubble. You don’t realize what life is like outside your walls or down the stairs from your ivory tower.

Never mind that as an evangelical Christian, I live in a diverse neighborhood, shop in stores staffed by people of various beliefs, coach youth teams filled with kids who use colorful language – and have friends and even family who see life and the world around me from a decidedly non-Christian point of view.

But lately, it’s occurred to me that as culture becomes increasingly and frequently unmoored and uneven, evangelical Christians are actually the ones most closely in touch with reality. It’s the radical left who live in illogical bubbles bursting under the weight of lies each and every day.


As an evangelical Christian, I believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant, and authoritative word of God that explains the origin of the world and the meaning and purpose of life. Atheists contend we come from a primordial ooze and will soon return to it.

We believe that life begins in the womb, that a pre-born child with a heartbeat and ten fingers and ten toes is a baby, and not just a blob of tissue, like abortion activists contend.

We believe there are two genders – male and female. A man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man. There is nothing in between. Repeating a lie over and over doesn’t somehow make the lie true.

We believe mothers and fathers have the authority to raise and rear their children – not government bureaucrats who seem determined to use our kids to engage in grand, devious, demented and perverted social experiments. Thomas Sowell was right when he observed, “Too much of what is called ‘education’ is little more than an expensive isolation from reality.”

We believe bakers, florists and other artists shouldn’t be forced to use their creative gifts in a way that violate their deeply held religious convictions.

It might be true that holding to these foundational beliefs and convictions increasingly puts us on the fringe of popular culture. But that doesn’t make what we believe any less real. In fact, it very well may make it more.

“Heaven is reality itself,” wrote C.S. Lewis. “All that is fully real is Heavenly. For all that can be shaken will be shaken and only the unshakeable remains.”


Photo from Shutterstock.

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