What Does Unity in Evangelicalism Look Like? Read Gospel People

The apostle Paul frequently instructed the early church to hold firm to the integrity of the Gospel message and nothing else. The book Gospel People: A Call for Evangelical Integrity…

Wallpaper: Meditate

“Christian, meditate much on heaven; it will help you to press on and to forget the difficulty of the journey.” —C.H. Spurgeon Click below to download your image: Apple Devices:iPadsiPhones…

Four Words That Should Describe Christian Citizenship

When Titus was pastoring the church in Crete, he received these instructions from Paul about his congregation: “Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to…

Don’t Skirt the Edge of the Narrow Way

If we are going to maintain a passion for purity, we need to determine to live our lives in the center of the narrow way and not on the edge.…

Wallpaper: Tested

“An important characteristic of genuine faith is that it doesn’t collapse when it is tested.” —Alistair Begg Click below to download your image: Apple Devices:iPadsiPhones Other Devices:Android PhonesAmazon FireMicrosoft Surface…

What Is True Religion?

Growing up, many of us were told to avoid two topics in polite conversation: politics and religion. If we’re going to be successful in social situations, some say, then we…

Hymn: “The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended” by John Ellerton

The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended;The darkness falls at Thy behest.To Thee our morning hymns ascended, Thy praise shall sanctify our rest. We thank Thee that Thy church, unsleeping,…

Why Are Our Times Marked by Fear and Anxiety? Read Futureproof

If you were asked to predict what the next thirty years will look like, could you guess? How about even the next five years? We’re living at a time of…

Wallpaper: Stability

“It is a significant thing to be marked by stability in a world that shakes and moves underneath us.” —Alistair Begg Click below to download your image: Apple Devices:iPadsiPhones Other…

The Testimony of a Disciple of Jesus

If Jesus offered to pray on your behalf, what would you ask Him to pray for? In His High Priestly Prayer in John 17, Jesus prayed for His disciples, distinguishing…

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