Is Your Christianity Too Quiet? – Greg Morse

Is your Christian life too private, too indoorsy? “You are the light of the world,” our Lord declares. “A city set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14). Some…

Find the Truth to Protect Both Elders and Sheep: 1 Timothy 5:19–20 – John Piper

When accusations arise, Paul would have churches refuse to let elders be destroyed by liars — and refuse to let lying elders destroy sheep. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Discounted Rate Ends Saturday: 2025 National Conference

Time is running out to register and save with the discounted rate for Ligonier’s 2025 National Conference, I Will Build My Church. Gather with us in Orlando on April 10–12…

For God So Loved the World

Every Christian believes in limited atonement. That may sound ludicrous to my Arminian friends because it has long been assumed that only Calvinists hold to the dreaded “L” in TULIP.…

For God So Loved the World

Every Christian believes in limited atonement. That may sound ludicrous to my Arminian friends because it has long been assumed that only Calvinists hold to the dreaded “L” in TULIP.…

Should I Use AI to Help Me Write Sermons? – John Piper

Should pastors and ministry leaders use artificial intelligence as a tool to write their sermons and newsletters? If so, how? If not, why not? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Christ’s Desire for Us – John Piper

When Jesus thinks about you, what does he want? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens John 17:24–26 to reveal Christ’s desire for us. Watch Now Read…

Striking a Chord in the Heart of the Believer: An Interview with R.C. Sproul

What inspired you to study the holiness of God? In my own theological studies, my favorite theologians—Augustine, Luther, Calvin and Edwards—all seem to have a common thread woven through their…

Striking a Chord in the Heart of the Believer: An Interview with R.C. Sproul

What inspired you to study the holiness of God? In my own theological studies, my favorite theologians—Augustine, Luther, Calvin and Edwards—all seem to have a common thread woven through their…

Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy – David Mathis

We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society. We feel it in ourselves. Many, to be sure, are infatuated with their own bodies. It…

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