When I Feel Stuck

When I was growing up in Ireland, we had more than our fair share of wet Wednesday afternoons. Trapped well between weekends, and with an evening full of homework ahead,…

I Never Felt Like God’s Enemy — Was I? – John Piper

If we have no memory of hating or opposing God before he saved us, then how should we understand the Bible’s claim that we were his enemy? Listen Now Read…

Do You Want to Hear God? – John Piper

Have you ever wished God would speak directly to you? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper shows from Hebrews 1:1–4 how God’s final and ultimate word in…

Alistair Begg Reflects on Speaking at the CMS Summer School

Dear Friend, As I looked out at the crowd that had gathered for the CMS Summer School in Katoomba, Australia, this past January, a number of thoughts were running through…

Wallpaper: In Paradise

“‘Today you will be with me in paradise’ is the whisper of Christ to every dying saint.” —C.H. Spurgeon Click below to download your image: Apple Devices:iPadsiPhones Other Devices:Android PhonesAmazon…

What Does the Bible Say about Women Pastors?

The question whether women may serve as pastors or elders is one that hits home for many Christians. Believers have seen this issue embroil and even divide their churches. In…

Life Will Not Get Easier – Stephen Witmer

There’s a lie we all want to believe — even against all available evidence. It trades on our God-given capacity for hope. It tempts even those with impeccable theology. It…

Glorious, Obvious Difference: The Complementary Souls of Men and Women – David Mathis

My wife and I knew we were different when we got married, even though public school hadn’t helped us much on that front. Our 1990s and early 2000s society tried…

The Immeasurable Weight of Choosing Elders: 1 Timothy 5:21–25, Part 1 – John Piper

Choosing elders is a serious business. Paul charges us to do so knowing we are in the presence of God, Jesus Christ, and the elect angels. Watch Now Read More…

Gather: Loving Your Church as You Celebrate Christ Together

Gathering in person to worship and learn from God’s Word Sunday by Sunday is essential to our spiritual health and vital for a Christ-centered church community. The book Gather: Loving…

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