Download – “Jars of Clay: How God Uses Ordinary People in Extraordinary Ways”

We live in a culture preoccupied with personality, where worth is often measured by wealth, power, prestige, and influence. In sharp contrast, the Bible reveals time and time again that…

$5 Friday (And More): John Owen, Grace, & Prayer

It’s time for our weekly $5 Friday sale. This week’s resources include such topics as John Owen, grace, prayer, reformed theology, evangelism, and more. Plus, several bonus resources are also…

An Extra Gift for Dads and Grads

For a limited time, give a twelve-month Tabletalk subscription to a father or graduate in your life and we will send them an extra gift at no cost. For only…

A Most Offensive Love: The Hard Sayings of a Kind Savior – Joe Rigney

The Bible is filled with hard sayings, truths that we find difficult to embrace. The doctrine of hell. The exclusivity of Christ. Unconditional election and effectual calling. Sometimes these doctrines…

Why We Resist Change—and How to Move Forward

In the New Testament, successful Gospel ministry required much change. Though he was free, Paul made himself a servant to all (1 Cor. 9:19–23). To the Jews he became as…

Holiness Is Critical for Our Assurance of Salvation

We cannot expect to have great assurance of faith if we are content to exhibit little holiness in our lives. In this brief clip, Joel Beeke comments on the relationship…

What Is Gossip? Exposing a Common and Dangerous Sin – Matt Mitchell

You don’t want to be a gossip. There is no upside to being one. Gossips hurt neighbors, divide friends, and damage reputations and relationships. The Bible labels gossips as untrustworthy…

Flee to Christ in Fear – John Piper

God commands us both to fear him and to flee to him for refuge. How can we possibly do one without contradicting the other? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

How Did John Calvin Die?

The last ten years of Calvin’s life were quiet and productive. The final edition of his magnum opus, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, now expanded to four times its…

Why Did God Allow Polygamy? Untangling Old Testament Sexual Ethics – Sam Emadi

ABSTRACT: Among Israel’s patriarchs and kings, polygamy and concubinage seem almost a matter of course. More than that, some Old Testament passages appear not only to describe these practices but…

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