Hymn: “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations” by H. Ernest Nichol

We’ve a story to tell to the nationsThat shall turn their hearts to the right,A story of truth and mercy,A story of peace and light,A story of peace and light.…

Let the Lukewarm Come to Me – Marshall Segal

When did your heart begin to cool toward Jesus? You likely can’t remember the day or the week, maybe not even the year. You likely do remember a time when…

Can You Trust Your Senses?

How much can we trust our physical senses of sight, hearing, or touch? In this brief clip, R.C. Sproul discusses Augustine’s teaching on the role and limits of sense perception…

The Chief of Sinners Made a Minister: Ephesians 3:7–13, Part 2 – John Piper

We need grace to be saved, and to be kept saved. We need power to be made alive, and continual power to be kept alive. Watch Now Read More Desiring…

How to Hear a Sermon Well – Scott Hubbard

No preacher, upon looking up from his pulpit, hopes to see what I saw mid-sermon one Sunday morning: a man in the last row, head tilted against the back wall,…

Comfort and Safety: Wallpaper

“Fear not, Christian; Jesus is with you. In all your difficult trials, His presence is both your comfort and safety.” — C.H. Spurgeon What is my screen resolution? Click Below…

How can I become more biblically literate?

Knowing the Word of God is an indescribable privilege, but it can sometimes feel like a daunting task. From one of our Ask Ligonier events, Steven Lawson presents several practical…

What Is a Baptist? – John Piper

As with other Protestants, many Baptists trace their lineage to the Reformation. But what makes Baptists unique among the heirs of the Reformation? Listen Now Read More Desiring God

Why I Memorize Books of the Bible – Andrew Davis

For nearly forty years now, I have been probing the storehouses of treasure in God’s word, like Edmond Dantès taking inventory of the value and quantity of gems and coins…

Accepting “No” as God’s Will

I am astonished that, in the light of the clear biblical record, anyone would have the audacity to suggest that it is wrong for the afflicted in body or soul…

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