One Surprising Reason for Pain – John Piper

Many wonder how a good God could govern a world filled with pain. But sometimes, pain becomes the very means God uses to awaken us to his goodness. Listen Now…

How Do I Know That God Is for Me?

God has promised to work everything together for the good of His people. If God is for us, it follows that, ultimately, nothing can stand against us. That is logical.…

A Marriage of Tragedy and Triumph: Hudson and Maria Taylor (1858–1870) – Marshall Segal

As the sun rose that morning on Chinkiang, the indomitable light in Maria’s eyes began to dim. On several long nights over their harrowing years in China, Hudson Taylor had…

A Peculiar Disapproval of Gay Pride – John Piper

I am not interested in making common cause with non-Christians in my disapproval of the celebration of homosexual desires or acts. The reason is that truly Christian disapproval of sin…

The Family of God in Heaven and on Earth: Ephesians 3:14–19, Part 2 – John Piper

Believers everywhere and throughout time are a new family called by a new name: children of God. Watch Now Read More Desiring God

Confessions and Church Membership

Here’s an excerpt from Confessions and Church Membership, Paul Levy’s contribution to the June issue of Tabletalk: Imagine with me a preacher who’s a brilliant orator—his teaching is clear and…

The Schemes of Satan: What the Devil Does Today and Why It Matters to Believers

Talk of the devil or demons inevitably evokes images and ideas from popular culture and folk religion. Whether the mention of Satan conjures an image of a red, cartoonish, pitchfork-wielding…

Are Arminians saved?

Arminian theology has serious consequences on the life and thinking of a professing Christian. From one of our Ask R.C. events, R.C. Sproul explains why we should be glad that…

Who Is the Disciple Jesus Loved? – John Piper

The Gospel of John speaks of a “disciple whom Jesus loved” five times. Who was this beloved disciple, and why does he single himself out like this? Listen Now Read…

The Best-Known Hymn in History: Why We Keep Singing ‘The Doxology’ – David Mathis

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. These 25 words, known to…

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