Why Is Jesus Called the Last Adam?

Once Adam fell into sin, he disqualified himself and his offspring from being able to fulfill the requirements of the covenant of works. God did not rewrite Adam’s vocation but…

Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life? – John Piper

Why are Christians most to be pitied if there’s no resurrection? Don’t we still experience more joy than non-Christians? Pastor John gives four responses. Listen Now Read More Desiring God

What Is Time?

One of the oldest mysteries of theoretical thought is the question: What is time? Immanuel Kant defined time and space as “pure intuitions.” We see time as inextricably related to…

What the World Needs from Your Church – John Piper

Chipper churches leave no lasting impression on the world. The greatest gift we have to give is indomitable joy in Jesus in the midst of suffering and sorrow. Watch Now…

Two Hearts That Work as One: How Adventure Makes Sense of Marriage – Clinton Manley

Marriage and adventure. How do these fit together? Are they friends or rivals? Does the wedding ring throw wide the door to mission or dead-end in a cul-de-sac of domestic…

Good News for the Guilty – John Piper

How can sinners stand before a holy God? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper turns to Hebrews 1:1–4 to show what Christ achieved and its power to…

“You, Who Were Dead”: The Gospel in Colossians 2:13–15

“Dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh” (Col. 2:13) is not the most pleasant way to describe someone’s past. This, however, is precisely the diagnosis that Paul…

How Different Traditions Treat the Apocrypha

Protestant Christianity is known for its characteristic emphasis on the Word of God as the only infallible rule for faith and life (see Westminster Confession of Faith 1.1). Because of…

The Word Increased and Multiplied: Grasping the Complexities of Bible Translation – Peter Gurry

ABSTRACT: The English language has the most Bible translations available of any language in history. Such variety is due to a number of factors, including differences in theological convictions and…

Use a Little Wine for Your Stomach Ailments: 1 Timothy 5:21–25, Part 2 – John Piper

Sometimes, Christians pit doctors and divine healing against one another, as if relying on natural remedies reveals a lack of faith. Does Scripture support that assumption? Watch Now Read More…

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