Why Do We Sing at Christmas?

Throughout history, people have loved singing. Whether at baseball games or birthday parties, we sing eagerly, sometimes publicly exposing our lack of native musical talent. Singing in groups—especially at Christmas—is…

Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Christmas

This Christmas, give gifts that can encourage your loved ones to deepen their study of God’s Word. Share the code GIFT2024 with a friend so they can receive a 30-day…

Awaiting His Return

There is a widespread fascination with the end of the world. Throughout history, we have witnessed the bold assertions of soothsayers, naysayers, and doomsdayers. Every day, self-proclaimed prophets of the…

What Is the Procession of the Holy Spirit?

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped…

Born of the Virgin Mary

Along with the great theologian and philosopher Anselm of Canterbury we ask the question, Cur deus homo? Why the God-man? When we look at the biblical answer to that question,…

Announcing the French Reformation Study Bible

We are pleased to announce that the Reformation Study Bible is now available in French. The prayers and generosity of donors such as you fueled this multi-year project. Thank you…

What Is Total Depravity?

To say that the doctrine of total depravity is a fundamental tenet of Reformed theology would be tantamount to acknowledging that water is wet. So central, in fact, is the…

Help Equip the Church in the Battle for Truth

A battle for the truth rages in a world influenced by ignorance and false teaching. This crisis extends inside the church, where 95% of pastors globally lack essential resources to…

Should We Celebrate Christmas?

It’s important for us to understand that there are no special holy days now for believers. In the Old Testament, the life of an old covenant believer was punctuated by…

Does the Bible Contain Contradicting Genealogies of Jesus?

Several times the New Testament declares Jesus to be the heir of King David and, thus, the descendant of Abraham (e.g., John 7:42; Rom. 1:3; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 5:5).…

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