What We Still and Will Believe: The Precious Clarity of Enduring Creeds – Joe Rigney

The people of God have always been a confessional people, offering short summaries of their beliefs and convictions about who God is and what he’s done. Israel’s foundational confession, known…

Can I ‘Name It and Claim It’? – John Piper

God can do far, far more than we can think to ask. But that doesn’t mean whatever we wish lines up with his sovereign plans to bring us good. Listen…

The Lost Giant Among Giants: Lessons from Harold John Ockenga (1905–85) – Kenneth E. Ortiz

In September of 1966, John Piper was a junior at Wheaton College, studying for a career in medicine. In those days, Wheaton began its fall semesters with “Spiritual Emphasis Week.”…

Advent in a Global Pandemic – David Mathis

These have been dark days in 2020, even in the light of spring and summer. A global pandemic and fever-pitch identity politics. Protests devolving into urban warfare and civil division.…

How Does the Church Fill All in All? Ephesians 1:19–23, Part 5 – John Piper

The church is the body of Christ, and he is the Head. He makes the decisions, he rules, and the body carries out his will. Watch Now Read More Desiring…

The Curse Between Us: Why Racial Healing Begins at Calvary – Scott Hubbard

“Has it ever occurred to you,” A.W. Tozer once asked, “that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one…

Secret Sins Will Harm Others – Greg Morse

J.C. Ryle is right when he observes that sin never announces itself to us with its full intentions. It never says, “I am your deadly enemy, and I want to…

Will We Still Thank God? Gratitude in a Year of Grumbling – Marshall Segal

Thanksgiving comes the same Thursday year after year after year, and yet, for many, this Thanksgiving may feel strangely mistimed, inconvenient, perhaps even inappropriate. Typically, Thanksgiving is meant to be…

One Body, Many Causes: The Vital Diversity of the Church’s Priorities – Jon Bloom

Your living body is marvelous and magnificent. You may be so familiar with your body’s defects, disproportions, disorders, and diseases that you can hardly see its astounding glory. But it…

How to Harm a Heavy Heart: Loving Sufferers Begins with Listening – Vaneetha Rendall Risner

I still struggle with what to say to my friends who are suffering. I wish I had the perfect words, the most applicable verses, the most effective comfort. I want…

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