Dump China: Time to End Beijing’s Pernicious Tech Empire – Desmond Berg

“China,” some say, “is largely a land of rule-bound rote learners.” The Chinese try but rarely make breakthroughs on their own. Moreover, ruler Xi Jinping, who demands that his regime dominate…

The Trans-civilization Cult | The Causes of Things Ep. 19

Our entire society is in a transformational cult-like experience shedding our old ways of doing things while being coerced into a fully planned, fully strategized new paradigm. While the tectonic…

The Various Faces of Black Lives Matter – Desmond Berg

The horrific killing of George Floyd, combined with other recent fatal shootings of black men and women, has set off weeks of peaceful protests and violent riots across America. It…

California Senate Opens Door to Legalized Discrimination – Desmond Berg

On November 5, 1996, Californians headed to the ballot box to weigh in on the California Civil Rights Initiative – aka Proposition 209 – to end government discrimination. The measure, modeled on the Civil…

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