Mistakes Our Critics Make: Information In and Information About

Is there information actually in Saturn’s rings, or is that information produced by intelligent agents studying Saturn’s rings? Source Read More Evolution News

In Cell Death, a Stunning Display of Intelligent Design

Even tissues have to deal with the dead, and like everything else they do, they excel at it. The number of players involved in cell death is truly astonishing. Source…

In Cell Death, a Stunning Display of Intelligent Design

Even tissues have to deal with the dead, and like everything else they do, they excel at it. The number of players involved in cell death is truly astonishing. Source…

James Dwight Dana: Falsely Claimed Darwinist

When it comes to claims of the “nearly unanimous” acceptance of Darwinian evolution, mere assertion cannot stand as fact. Source Read More Evolution News

James Dwight Dana: Falsely Claimed Darwinist

When it comes to claims of the “nearly unanimous” acceptance of Darwinian evolution, mere assertion cannot stand as fact. Source Read More Evolution News

Nightmare at the Museum

This week we’ve been taking a look behind the scenes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Source Read More Evolution News

Nightmare at the Museum

This week we’ve been taking a look behind the scenes at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Source Read More Evolution News

Theistic Evolution: The Case of Theodore Munger

In an extensive essay, Munger’s purpose was to show that evolution not only poses no threat to Christian faith but can confirm it Source Read More Evolution News

Theistic Evolution: The Case of Theodore Munger

In an extensive essay, Munger’s purpose was to show that evolution not only poses no threat to Christian faith but can confirm it Source Read More Evolution News

Namacalathus, Alleged Ediacaran “Animal,” Fails to Refute Abrupt Cambrian Explosion

It could be anything, from a coelenterate-grade or sponge-grade organism to even a protist or an alga. Source Read More Evolution News

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