The Abolition of Man and the Advent of the Posthuman

In Julian Savulescu’s view, rapidly advancing brain science will provide some of the data necessary to shaping a better human race. Source Read More Evolution News

Remembering Senator Slade Gorton

Some will submit that his kind are gone, but I know that they are still around, because he helped get them there. Source Read More Evolution News

“In Fauci We Trust”? C. S. Lewis Foresaw Scientific Authoritarianism

Who would have predicted all that Americans have experienced in the past five months? Source Read More Evolution News

Concluding Thoughts on That Hideous Strength

What was possible for Mark Studdock — the realization that much of contemporary civilization is built on lies — is still possible for any thoughtful person. Source Read More Evolution…

Watch: C. S. Lewis on Demonic Scientific Planning

Here, Professor C. John Collins of Covenant Theological Seminary explains Lewis’s critique of scientific planning. Source Read More Evolution News

The Education of Mark Studdock in That Hideous Strength

Mark is lured away from his teaching position at Bracton College to become part of the massive research effort known as the N.I.C.E. Source Read More Evolution News

Squeezing Out the Mystery: Final Comments on Strickberger’s Evolution

The phenomenon of convergent evolution suggests that natural selection fits better with the analogy of the engineer than it does the tinkerer. Source Read More Evolution News

Tour, Meyer: The Mystery of Life Itself

As Stephen Meyer puts it here, “When life leaves, we don’t exactly know what’s left, but we know something left and it’s not just the physical.” Source Read More Evolution…

The Main Argument of The Abolition of Man

Lewis foresees a class of men called “the Conditioners.” The Conditioners have “seen through” all attempts to ground behaviour in any ultimate truth. Source Read More Evolution News

Stephen Meyer and James Tour: Tonight, a Wide-Ranging and Personal Conversation

Does life’s origin reflect the activity of a mind, or do blind, purely physical processes alone serve as a fully satisfactory explanation? Source Read More Evolution News

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