Answering Critiques of Specification in William Dembski’s Design Filter

William Dembski accurately formalized a filter we use so often that we’re like fish in the sea. Source Read More Evolution News

Biology’s “Best-Kept Secret” — Alfred Wallace’s Classic Is Out Now in a New Edition

On the subject of evolution, the scientific “consensus” depends on maintaining the our forgetfulness of Charles Darwin’s great partner, rival, and challenger. Source Read More Evolution News

Research Reveals Biological Design in the Sensing and Manipulation of Force

The laws of physics constrain what can happen, but not how it happens. Biological designs show expertise in the use of forces for function. Source Read More Evolution News

C. S. Lewis Foresaw Scientism’s Totalitarian Potential

According to Lewis, science steps dangerously outside its bounds when it assumes it has all knowledge, especially moral knowledge. Source Read More Evolution News

C. S. Lewis Criticized Scientism, Not Science

Scientism is the idea that science is the ultimate path to knowledge and wisdom — the only sure path — and that the spiritual realm is a mirage. Source Read…

I Beg Your Pardon? More on “Mainstream Science”

Does philosopher of biology Paul Nelson reject “mainstream science”? Of course he does not. Source Read More Evolution News

Journalist Finds a “Cover-Up” by the Bronx Zoo

It wasn’t until they were forced by events that the Zoo and the Wildlife Conservation Society admitted this black life mattered. Source Read More Evolution News

Plant Galls, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

Complex structures of thousands of species have been formed for the exclusive good of other species, annihilating Darwin’s theory on his own terms. Source Read More Evolution News

Cells Reach Out and Touch, Providing Evidence of Foresight and Design

Cells are equipped with sensors that recognize touch and respond accordingly. They can even reach out to other cells with nanoscopic tunnels and share parts. An article yesterday for Evolution News about allostery showed…

Adam and Eve and “Mainstream Science”

“The category ‘mainstream science’ sounds plausibly neutral, capturing the sort of objective knowledge to which any well-educated adult should assent.” Source Read More Evolution News

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