“Lifelikeness” Without Intelligent Design? Brian Miller Responds to Jeremy England

Dr. England has a poetic and ingenious article reflecting on God’s commissioning of Moses to lead the Jews out from Egypt. Source Read More Evolution News

Cancel Darwin? No, But Do Recognize How Evolution Boosted Racism

Cancel culture is becoming surreal. Or should I say even more surreal? “Exotic birds” are now judged to be offensive. What next? Source Read More Evolution News

The Gargoyle’s Challenge — Remembering Schützenberger on Darwinism

David Berlinski lives in the shadow of the Notre-Dame in Paris and poignantly remembers the cathedral before it burned. Source Read More Evolution News

Behe on Denton’s Latest: “The Universe Miraculously Got [It] Right”

“Michael Denton is the world’s most profound thinker about the physical and chemical requirements for the existence of a humanoid species like ourselves.” Source Read More Evolution News

Bechly Series: No Ancestors for Cambrian Animals; Darwin’s Doubt Remains

I urge you to review this important series. Humbly place it at the feet of your favorite Darwinist, atheist, or theistic evolutionist. Source Read More Evolution News

Racial Conflict and Scientific Racism

Protests are convulsing Louisville, KY, over the death of Breonna Taylor. How is the legacy of scientific racism reflected in today’s unrest? Source Read More Evolution News

Sleep on It: Design in the Subconscious Brain

An international team reasoned there had to be a purpose for sleep. In one of the largest datasets ever collected, they believe they found two functions. Source Read More Evolution…

Darwinism as Hegelian Dialectics Applied to Biology

Nineteenth-century Darwinism was much more than a revolutionary scientific theory. Source Read More Evolution News

A Bridge Too Far? In Search of Precambrian Sponges

The most celebrated Precambrian sponge may not be a sponge at all. Watch Darwinians try to coax it into spongehood. Source Read More Evolution News

New Book by Biologist Michael Denton on Nature’s Miraculous “Primal Blueprint”

To see cells in action, he notes a remarkable video, “Neutrophil Chasing Bacteria,” made in 1950s by a researcher at Vanderbilt University. Source Read More Evolution News

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