ID by Another Name? Astronomer Says 50 Percent Chance We’re Living in Computer Simulation

Of course, an 80 percent chance that we live in an intelligently design world compares favorably with only a 50 percent chance. Source Read More Evolution News

A Darwinist Recognizes (Some of) the Stakes in the Intelligent Design Debate

I would be curious to hear how Darwinists like Dr. Freestone reconcile their evolutionism not just with religion but with their commitment to human equality. Source Read More Evolution News

Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder Challenges the Evidence for Cosmological Fine-Tuning

Hossenfelder’s strongest argument is that many fine-tuning parameters cannot in fact be quantified. Source Read More Evolution News

Taking Applications Now to Be Our New Education and Outreach Coordinator!

What if ID scientists went about their work, uncovering evidence of purpose and meaning in biology and cosmology, but…no one ever heard about it? Source Read More Evolution News

Does Gold Have a Purpose? Science Hints at Answers

A gold rush makes sense. But a copper rush? Not so much. And yet, perhaps there is more to gold than aesthetics. Source Read More Evolution News

How Darwin’s Worldview Shaped Darwin’s Theory

It was at Edinburgh University that he first encountered radical philosophical materialism, which laid the philosophical foundation for his work in evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

When “Science” Becomes a Cult

The problem comes when, in order to win our acceptance, double-talk is used to pretend that a cult is something other than what it is. Source Read More Evolution News

Optimism in a Dark Time: Meyer, Lennox, and the “God Hypothesis”

We are living in a dark time. The culture that holds up our nation rocks dangerously, buffeted by the winds of cult-like, nihilistic ideologies. Source Read More Evolution News

Excerpt — The Chosen Atom

Many have believed (and many still do believe) that Darwin drove teleology out of biology forever. Source Read More Evolution News

Book Launch! Join Us for a Global Webinar with Michael Denton, Wednesday, October 21

He is, of course, not only a pre-eminent proponent of the theory of ID but also a wonderful and charming personality. He’ll speak to us live from Australia. Source Read…

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