Is the Designer a Black Hole?

Supernatural agents that exert natural effects are perfectly valid objects of scientific inquiry. Source Read More Evolution News

More Dispatches from the Science/Religion Classroom

Students are adept at spotting the incongruities, double standards, and tendentious arguments that often accompany methodological naturalism. Source Read More Evolution News

Dallas Conference and COVID’s Silver Lining

Just because it says DALLAS Conference in the title, don’t think this great event is limited in any way by geography. Source Read More Evolution News

Summer Seminars on ID Get a Makeover — More Accessible Now Than Ever Before

The aim as always is to provide graduates of the Seminars a major boost and ongoing mentorship aimed at launching their own careers in science and scholarship. Source Read More…

The Most Valuable Aspect of Avi Loeb’s Intelligent Design Case

The most valuable aspect of his case is the stimulus it provides to the question, “If non-human intelligences exist, how would we detect them?” Source Read More Evolution News

A Mousetrap for Blind Evolution, and Larry Moran

Michael Behe also discusses recent research confirming Dollo’s Law, and why that’s bad news for Darwinism. Source Read More Evolution News

My Concern About Avi Loeb’s Work in Relation to Intelligent Design

The evidence seems pretty light, at least compared to what we normally expect for a design inference. Source Read More Evolution News

Seven Reasons the Soul Can’t Be Turned “Off”

Neuroscientist Michael Egnor notes that the idea of consciousness is “empty,” much like the idea of “natural selection” in evolution. Source Read More Evolution News

Jonathan Witt: A Cosmos Charged with Meaning, Purpose — and Genius

The late Phillip Johnson called Dr. Witt’s book from InterVarsity Press “a wise and witty romp through the fallacies of reductionism.” Source Read More Evolution News

Casey Luskin Returns, Teases a New Book, Celebrates ID 3.0

Luskin tells about an upcoming book he’s been working on with William Dembski, another ID proponent who stepped away from day-to-day ID work. Source Read More Evolution News

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