Gov. Newsom signs bill allowing judges to not add LGBT adults to sex offenders registry

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed legislation that gives judges greater discretion regarding the adding of young adults and teens to the sex offender registry who had consensual sex with…

Conn. governor skewered for suggesting black churches should lead support for COVID-19 vaccine

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont is coming under fire from religious and political leaders in his state for suggesting that black churches should lead support for a coronavirus vaccine. His suggestion…

Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for second time

A week after U.S.-brokered talks led to the leaders of rival nations Serbia and Kosovo to normalize their economic ties after decades of dispute, a Swedish parliamentarian has nominated President Donald…

Bahrain to normalize diplomatic ties with Israel, second Arab nation in 1 month in deal brokered by Trump

Bahrain will establish full diplomatic relations with Israel, President Donald Trump announced Friday, making it the second Arab Gulf nation within a month to normalize ties with the Jewish state.…

Evangelical, Catholic voters in 5 swing states may shift 11% for Biden over Trump: survey

New research commissioned by a progressive Christian activist group and compiled by several university researchers suggests that there could be an 11-point swing among evangelical and Catholic voters in swing…

Eric Metaxas to politically active Christians: Surround yourself with the Church

Eric Metaxas, a New York Times bestselling author, encouraged young Christians to stay involved in politics because it’s God who placed them in the positions where they’re serving.  Read More The…

Kimberly Klacik talks dismantling Planned Parenthood, lauds Trump for helping to empower minorities

Kimberly Klacik, a rising star in the Republican Party, will be a political anomaly if she’s elected in November.  Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Pro-life groups praise Trump’s 20 additions to Supreme Court list

Pro-life organizations have expressed their support for President Donald Trump’s recently released short list of candidates for the United States Supreme Court should a vacancy emerge. Read More The Christian…

Christian orgs praise new DOE regulation to defund universities that violate faith groups’ rights

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and other faith-based student groups are praising a Department of Education final rule issued Wednesday that they say will protect campus student organizations’ rights to choose leaders…

Biden walks back federal mask mandate citing constitutional concerns

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is walking back his claim to implement a national mask mandate if he were elected. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

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