A new day for the Church: Modeling incarnational ministry

“There are so many churches in America,” said Chuck as he gazed at me with querulous eyes. Then the question: “Why If there are so many churches is the nation…

Play depicts Jesus as transgender: 4 temptations and amazing story of courage

It is a sign of our times that what was once shocking is becoming less so every day. For example, a Scottish teachers union is promoting a play depicting Jesus…

‘Fairness for All’ is a bad bargain

Sometimes compromise can help strengthen and grow a relationship. But sometimes, it is just code for a bad bargain. Unfortunately, the so-called Fairness for All Act is the latter. Read…

The scientific, technological elite is not where to put our ultimate faith

With the Fauci emails evidencing the multiple critical mistakes and disingenuous information, Americans should pay more heed to Eisenhower’s warnings. “In God We Trust” is our national motto, and it’s…

Joe Manchin, a rare American statesman

Statesmen make unpopular decisions, eschew partisan gain in order to protect the national interest by using superior judgment even at the cost of their own political standing. Read More The…

Burger King donating up to $250K to LGBT group in swipe at Chick-fil-A

A prominent fast-food company announced that it’s donating nearly half of the proceeds from its sales of chicken sandwiches to an LGBT activist group while taking a shot at one…

SBC leaders mishandled ‘crisis of sexual abuse,’ Russell Moore claims in second leaked letter

Southern Baptist Convention leaders mishandled a “crisis of sexual abuse” in the denomination through methods such as intimidating whistleblowers into silence and exonerating churches with credible allegations of negligence of…

Pastor accused of touching at least 21 girls sues megachurch for defamation in $3.1M lawsuit

Wayne Aarum, a pastor and operator of the Circle C Ranch Christian camp in Delevan who has been accused of inappropriately touching at least 21 teenage girls in the past…

Another Catholic church shelled in Myanmar; seminary volunteer murdered in military raid

The Burma military shelled another Catholic church as violence continues in the Kayah State of Myanmar. The shelling occurred less than a week after a young man volunteering at a…

Judge rejects Canadian pastor’s challenge that worship restrictions violate religious freedom rights

A judge in Canada has ruled against a pastor who was challenging the legality of ongoing restrictions on in-person worship gatherings as part of Alberta’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.…

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