‘First look’ trailer for ‘Redeeming Love’ released

A teaser trailer was released for “Redeeming Love,” which is an adaptation of the bestselling allegorical novel and is being produced by Roma Downey (‘The Bible”) and Cindy Bond (“I…

Chinese police detain Christians passing out Gospel tracts, threaten to remove social welfare

Christians in China were detained by officials with China’s Communist Party while passing out Gospel tracts and ordered to cease all religious activity or risk losing social welfare benefits.  Read…

TD Jakes implores people to take COVID-19 seriously: ‘easier to wear a mask than wear a ventilator’

Bishop T.D. Jakes has called on West Virginians to get tested during the pandemic and to wear face masks, declaring that it’s “easier to wear a mask than wear a…

Pro-life center opens across from largest Planned Parenthood in Texas: ‘God pointed us there’

When Leanne Jamieson, head of the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center, was asked to adopt a struggling pregnancy center in southwest Dallas, she never imagined what God had in store.  Read More…

SBC leaders Albert Mohler, Russell Moore criticized for honoring John Lewis due to liberal record

Some evangelical Christians are unhappy with Southern Baptist Covention leaders for honoring late civil rights icon and Democratic Congressman John Lewis because of his support for abortion and gay rights.…

Fmr. GOP governor John Kasich to speak at Democratic National Convention: AP

Former Republican Governor and GOP presidential hopeful John Kasich is scheduled to speak at the Democratic National Convention next month, according to a report by the Associated Press. Read More…

Censors Claim Teachers “Advocate Evolution” More Now Than in 2007 — Don’t Believe It

How likely are biology teachers with doubts about Darwinism to participate in a survey by an organization instrumental in attacking Darwin-doubting teachers? Source Read More Evolution News

Totalitarianism Is Darwinism Applied to Politics

Atomization is the radical isolation of each individual from every other individual. Atomization breaks the bonds that hold society in its traditional shape. Source Read More Evolution News

Video of Shackled and Blindfolded Men in Xinjiang, China Raises Concerns of Genocide and Forced Labor

A video showing men sitting blindfolded and shackled in rows while waiting at a train station with police overseers has gone viral, raising fresh concerns about genocide and forced labor…

Strickberger’s Evolution Textbook Promotes False Evolutionary Icons

From crippled fruit flies we move to perhaps the most pervasive icon of them all, the peppered moth. Source Read More Evolution News

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