Virginia school district to appeal order reinstating teacher opposed to transgender pronouns

A public school district in Virginia that was ordered to reinstate a teacher punished for criticizing a proposed policy to require teachers to use trans-identified students’ preferred pronouns says it…

Southern Baptists affirm commitment to racial reconciliation without fight over critical race theory

Southern Baptist messengers affirmed their commitment to racial reconciliation and the sufficiency of Scripture to address issues of race by adopting a resolution that avoided the contentious debate over critical…

Pastor Ed Litton vows to ‘build bridges, not walls’ in new role as SBC president

Shortly after Ed Litton was elected as the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Alabama pastor vowed to “build bridges, not walls” during his tenure as head of…

Elisabeth Elliot: A woman who suffered and persisted for her faith

The faithful and fruitful life of Elisabeth Elliot sets a challenging example of discipleship to us today. She deserves to be remembered. Read More The Christian Post | Homepage

A new day for the Church: Profile of a truly dynamic church (pt 3)

One of the greatest tragedies that can afflict the post-pandemic church is that of getting tangled in a jungle of institutional analysis and missing an opportune moment—a kairos. Read More…

Banning critical race theory?

The root problem with critical theory is not how the American story is told, but in pre-empting any critique or debate. That sort of thinking cannot be successfully countered by…

Should prostitution be legalized? Using secular truth to advance spiritual truth

In his sermon, “Learning in War-Time,” C. S. Lewis stated: “Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.” For Christians seeking to…

Why the free world must boldly confront China

Americans now seem to be realizing what we in the Republic of India have long accepted: Dealing with Communist China is incredibly complex and fraught with danger and deception. Read…

Ronnie Floyd calls on So. Baptists to focus on Great Commission: Sending missionaries is the ‘heart’ of denomination

As the Southern Baptist Convention grapples with a slew of hot-button issues, Ronnie Floyd, president of the SBC’s Executive Committee, stressed to the thousands gathered at the annual meeting that…

Convicted porn producer calls porn industry ‘evil business,’ receives 20-year sentence

A porn actor and producer who lied to and coerced young women to perform sex videos for San Diego-based websites GirlsDoPorn and GirlsDoToys received a 20-year sentence on Monday after…

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