Pastor killed by speeding car while helping friend repair vehicle in New Jersey

Nearly $20,000 has been raised to support the family of a beloved youth pastor who was struck and killed by a speeding car in Pennsylvania last Friday while he was…

Afghan ambassador doesn’t think Biden cares about fate of women under Taliban control

Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United States said she doesn’t believe President Joe Biden cared about the “fate” of women as his administration pulled U.S. troops out of the Taliban-controlled country…

Nancy Pelosi’s archbishop calls Christians to fast, pray for ‘conversion of heart’ on abortion

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s archbishop is calling Christians to fast and pray for the Catholic Democrat politician so that she would change her “heart” on abortion. Read More The…

Federal judge blocks Texas abortion law drawing praise from Biden admin., rebuke from pro-lifers

A federal judge on Wednesday granted a request from the Justice Department for a temporary restraining order against Texas’ controversial law that bans most abortions in the state after six…

Pennsylvania lawmaker’s bill aims to force men to get vasectomy by 40th birthday

A Pennsylvania lawmaker has introduced a bill that would force men to undergo sterilization in response to the Texas law banning abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Read…

New lawsuit challenges NY vaccine mandate, cites Gov. Hochul’s comments at megachurch

A new federal lawsuit backed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder and chairman of anti-vaccine advocacy group Children’s Health Defense, is challenging New York’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate for healthcare workers for…

What is true Christian fellowship?

God calls us into true Christian fellowship with other believers around us, but not just so we won’t be lonely. He wants us to join together to share His love…

How to lead your children to Christ

There is still time to reach your child for the Lord. The power of the Holy Spirit continues to guide and assist Christian parents in leading their children to Christ.…

Dear Church: Some of your sheep are suffering

They hold on as long as they can and try to live out the teachings of the church, adhere to the scriptural mandates and honor their commitments. But literally, their…

Playboy magazine: From lewdness to perversion

Still, in many ways, Playboy was behind the times (at least, as reported by others in terms of the sexual content; this is something I do not check on). It…

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