Katy Faust Fiercely Explains Why God’s Design for Family Matters

Katy Faust, founder and president of Them Before Us, sat down with Jordan Peterson on his show to talk about what family form serves children and humanity best and why.…

It’s Weak Men Who Try to Compete Against Strong Women

If it’s still inconceivable to you that 45 senators voted against a bill protecting girls and women from getting pummeled by boys and men on the field, court, track or…

Representative Says She’ll Refer ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors for Prosecution

Mayors from four “sanctuary cities” faced questions from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform over city policies that restrict cooperation with federal immigrant authorities in their efforts to…

Trump DOJ Drops Case Against Idaho’s Pro-Life Law, Still Faces Legal Challenge

Thankfully, Idaho no longer has to fight the federal government to defend its right to protect mothers and babies from abortion. This week, the Trump Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped…

Senate Democrats Block Bill to Save Women’s Sports

Senate Democrats have blocked a bill that would have ensured only girls and women participate in female athletic programs. The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025…

Colorado’s Pro-Life Bills: Conscience Rights, Consent and Care

Several bills have been introduced this session in the Colorado legislature aimed to protect human life, parental rights and the deeply held beliefs of medical professionals. Sadly, these bills will…

The Gut-Wrenching Heartbreak of Parental Estrangement

Each month, Focus on the Family counselors talk with mothers and fathers whose adult children want nothing to do with them anymore. In most cases, the son or daughter was…

‘Everyday Americans’ Honored at Address to Congress

First lady Melania Trump invited “everyday Americans as special guests” to President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. Several guests had ties to family issues that…

First Lady Supports Bill Targeting Deepfakes, Sextortion and Revenge Porn

The House of Representatives is preparing to pass a bill targeting revenge porn, online sextortion and pornographic deepfakes, multiple sources report, following exhortations from America’s first family. The bipartisan Take…

Trump Makes 13-Year-Old DJ Daniels’ Dream Come True

Meet DJ Daniels, a 13-year-old boy who wishes to become a police officer but was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2018. In President Trump’s address to a joint session of…

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