Chinese Government Sponsorship of Rape of Uyghur Women – The Legacy of China’s One-Child Policy

In 1979, China launched its much-criticized one-child policy, which forced couples to have only one child. Due to the cultural preference for males, families often chose to abort their daughters.…

The Rose Garden Prepares for a Make-Over

Official Washington likes to believe that John and Jackie Kennedy created the White House Rose Garden. A recent essayist in the Washington Post, prosaically and rightly, said JFK emerged from…

New Bloomberg Businessweek Cover Story Says Declining Fertility a Serious Economic Threat

The new cover story in Bloomberg Businessweek warns that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, half a million fewer babies will be born in the U.S. in 2021 which will “greatly…

Female Athletes Ask NCAA for Fairness in Women’s Sports

A coalition of more than 300 female Olympians, professional athletes, Title IX pioneers and college athletes sent a letter to the National College Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Board of Directors. The…

Democratic National Committee Reveals Draft of 2020 Campaign Platform

On November 3, 2020, Americans will head to the polls to determine which political party will lead the nation. Recently, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) released a draft of its…

Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats Pass Bill Funding Abortion, LGBT Agenda Worldwide

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and House Democrats voted on Friday, July 24 to pass a budget bill which increases funding for abortions in foreign countries, funds the…

House Committee Hearing Descends into Chaos. Here are the Top Five Moments.

Attorney General William Barr (AG Barr) appeared at a contentious hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday to give his testimony and answer questions from representatives. The hearing quickly…

100 Police Agencies Back Out of Democratic National Convention Security Contracts Over Milwaukee’s ‘No Tear Gas’ Policy

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to take place August 17-20 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Due to a recent directive from the city’s Fire and Police Commission, the police department has…

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Ban Doctors’ Video Advocating Hydroxychloroquine for Treating COVID

A viral video of a news conference conducted on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court by a group of physicians calling themselves America’s Frontline Doctors has been banned from…

How Protestors Claiming to Fight Injustice May Be Supporting Forced Labor

Across the country, protestors have taken to the streets demonstrating against police brutality, racism, and history. But do these protestors, who claim to fight for justice and against inequality, know…

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