In Australia, Academic Freedom Case Will Have Far-Reaching Consequences

Professor Peter Ridd doubted that the Great Barrier Reef was almost dead due to global warming, and argued as much. Source Read More Evolution News

How Can the Divinity of Christ Be Proven? (Video)

How can we be certain about the identity of Jesus? Why would anyone believe He was something more than a mere man? How could we ever know for sure? This…

The Amazing Circulation System of Trees

Clearly, unless water can be drawn several meters up the conduits in their tree trunks, large woody trees would be impossible. Source Read More Evolution News

The Role of Lignin for Fire, Explained

Without lignin, there would be no woody plants, no wood, no coal, no charcoal, no fire, no pottery, and certainly no iron or metallurgy. Source Read More Evolution News

What Is The Fine-Tuning Argument For God’s Existence, And Does The Multiverse Counter It?

By Wintery Knight  One of the best arguments for the existence of a Creator and Designer of the universe is the cosmic fine-tuning argument. The argument argues that individual constants…

Book Review: Too Good to be False by Tom Gilson

I recently had the opportunity to review a new book by Tom Gilson about Jesus’ unique character called Too Good to be False: How Jesus’ Incomparable Character Reveals His Reality.…

Intricately Designed Control Systems Sustain Your Life Right Now — A Doctor Explains

Biologist Ray Bohlin interviews physician Howard Glicksman about a common cause of death, cardio-pulmonary arrest. Source Read More Evolution News

The Mike Adams I Knew and Loved

Our friend Dr. Mike Adams has died.  He was a UNC Wilmington Criminology Professor, a Summit Professor, a columnist, and author, a Free Speech and Pro-life Warrior, a fellow instructor…

Oxford Mathematician John Lennox Reviews AI Predictions Through the Ages

With Robert J. Marks, Dr. Lennox discusses AI’s cousin, transhumanism, its surprising history, and its potentially very dark future. Source Read More Evolution News

A “Lush” World Defies Materialist Explanations, as Behe and Denton Confirm

Conditions on Earth, the laws of physics, are not only fine-tuned for the survival of intelligent beings, they are fine-tuned for the development of technology. Source Read More Evolution News

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