Juggling Terms to Maintain the Illusion of Darwinian Selection

Evolutionists do not mind if selection goes forward, backward, up, down or sideways, as long as Darwin’s honor is maintained. Source Read More Evolution News

Now Another State Wants Non–Physician-Assisted Suicide

Hot on the heels of Washington State, it’s Hawaii. A bill has been filed to allow nurse practitioners to lethally prescribe. Source Read More Evolution News

Developing Thoughtful Christians in the Next Generation is Essential

Developing Thoughtful Christians in the Next Generation is Essential by Dr. Corey Miller, Ratio Christi President and CEO Ratio Christi aims to develop thoughtful Christians in the next generation. The…

What Caused You to Start Investigating Christianity? (Video)

Why did J. Warner start to investigate Christianity at the age of 35? What led him to investigate the New Testament? In this Q and A session, J. Warner begins…

Sewell: Top Five Evidences for Intelligent Design

Mathematician Granville Sewell describes how atheists often argue that scientists cannot appeal to design since they cannot explain the origin of the designer. Source Read More Evolution News

Share Alfred Russel Wallace on Intelligent Design

If just one new fact could be conveyed to every college student learning about the development of evolutionary theory, I’d say that should be the one. Source Read More Evolution…

Darwinism and Critical Theory — The Connection

“Strange that it may seem, Darwin plays a central role in this drama. Karl Marx himself credited Darwin with much of his basic insight into human history.” Source Read More…

Why We Do This Work

I am reading a response journal from a student in my Science and Religion class and came across a comment that really captures why we do what we do. Source…

How to Build the Case for Christianity – Part 2 (Podcast)

In this SECOND of two rebroadcasted “The Defense Rests” podcasts, Abdu Murray sits down with J. Warner to talk about how to build the case for Christianity, the nature of…

Casey Luskin Tells All About His South African Adventures

Dr. Luskin discusses game parks, museums, fossil sites, and his PhD, including evidence that parts of Africa and Western Australia used to be connected. Source Read More Evolution News

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