The Plan to Destroy Animal Agriculture

It wouldn’t just be the lives and wellbeing of rural Americans. Doing away with cattle would upend major industries throughout the economy. Source Read More Evolution News

Life and Limbaugh: The Design Perspective

The idea that life is designed entails a radically different attitude compared to the materialistic understanding that life splashed ashore on Earth by chance. Source Read More Evolution News

Defense of Essential Christian Doctrine in the Religious Pluralistic Context of Nepal

By Mumsher Khadka Introduction Essential doctrines of the Christian faith play a significant role in Christianity. Many people have lost their faith when they are asked about some core doctrine…

A True Portrait of Tom Bethell

The more secure the stronghold against paraphrase, the more special the object of our failed praise. Source Read More Evolution News

Texas Weather Postpones Dallas Science and Faith Conference

The conference venue is dealing with burst pipes, rolling power outages, and other consequences of the current weather. Source Read More Evolution News

How Do I Respond as A Christian When My Friends Want to Smoke Marijuana? (Video)

What should I do if my friends or family members try to encourage me to smoke marijuana? How can I best respond to this pressure as a Christian? In this…

“Simulation Hypothesis” and Star Trek — Intelligent Design by Another Name

The universe may be intelligently designed and yet not be a simulation. The theory of intelligent design does not rise or fall with the simulation hypothesis. Source Read More Evolution…

Iconoclast: Farewell to Tom Bethell

I remember having an exchange with Tom about the meaning of his last name, which seems to correspond to the Biblical place name Beth El, meaning “House of God.” Source…

Episode 1 of Chemist James Tour on Abiogenesis: Watch Now

“In this introductory episode, Dr. James Tour builds the foundation for this series, defining abiogenesis and describing the characteristics for life.” Source Read More Evolution News

New Book by Physicist Eric Hedin Challenges Atheist Cancel Culture

Atheists targeted the Ball State University scientist after they learned his honors course dared to expose students to evidence of design in the universe. Source Read More Evolution News

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