How to Deal with Doubt (Video)

Can I doubt and still call myself a Christian? Does my doubt mean I’m not really a believer? Is it normal to doubt? Detective Jimmy Wallace (J. Warner’s son) tackles…

In a New Book, Longtime Agnostic Dumps Darwin

Critics of intelligent design will have a hard time maligning Neil Thomas as a “creationist in a cheap tuxedo.” Source Read More Evolution News

Michael Behe: What About “Bad” Designs in Biology? And Other Questions

Also in the mix, the issue of academic pressure to distance oneself from ID, even before those involved understand what the theory actually is. Source Read More Evolution News

Michael Behe on Meaning Detection in Language, and More

Intelligent design pioneer Michael Behe continues his conversation with philosophers Pat Flynn and Jim Madden. Source Read More Evolution News

Jordan Peterson Springs the Trap of Scientism

There’s a gaping God-shaped hole in both Krauss and Peterson’s particular ways of spinning all this. Source Read More Evolution News

Three Myths About Christian Doubt

Much has been written with regard to the subject of religious doubt. Paul Thagard, writing in the Canadian Journal of Philosophy, defines doubt as “a cognitive/emotional state caused by the…

Farewell to Steven Weinberg, Visionary Physicist Who Appealed to the Multiverse

A sad note in Weinberg’s life was that his philosophical framework prevented him from seeing the design behind the physics he studied. Source Read More Evolution News

John Derbyshire: A Useful Darwinian Racist

Darwinian evolution will never succeed in disentangling itself from racism because it must always have its “official subhuman.” Source Read More Evolution News

Jordan Peterson, Lawrence Krauss, and the God Hypothesis

Stephen Meyer opens his new book with a memorable anecdote about debating Krauss live while battling a fierce migraine. Source Read More Evolution News

Reviewing Sapiens: Getting the Origin of Religion Backwards

The traditions of the Santal people entail an account of their own religious history that directly contradicts Harari’s evolutionary view. Source Read More Evolution News

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