Chances That Life Originated Without Intelligent Design? “Zero,” Says Physicist Eric Hedin

The idea of setting a percentage to the chances of ID being true reminds me of Hedin’s fellow physicist, Nobel Prize-winner Brian Josephson. Source Read More Evolution News

Myths, Monsters, and Life’s Elusive First Step

The notion that the building blocks of life were easily gotten may have seemed intuitive to journalists and others acquainted with Mary Shelley’s novel. Source Read More Evolution News

Human Zoos — International, Still Being Airbrushed

The Belgian human zoo sounds exactly like the St. Louis equivalent just a few years later. Source Read More Evolution News

Meyer: Did a Student’s Challenging Question to Dean Kenyon Spark the Modern ID Movement?

Stephen Meyer discusses theories, like Kenyon’s, that seek to account for the information in DNA by reference to chemical forces alone. Source Read More Evolution News

Three Ways Social Media Has Changed Our Priorities and Perspectives (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S7E22)

What impact has the rise of the internet and social media had on the way we see the world? Are our priorities and perspectives shifting because of the growing amplification…

Painting by Neanderthals? Study Makes a Design Inference

An observation that supports a non-natural origin is that the pigment appears only in a small, conspicuous location. Source Read More Evolution News

Martin Luther King’s Powerful Critique of Scientific Racism, Scientific Materialism

Dr. King was critical of the misuse of science to promote racial discrimination, and he spoke against the idea that humans are the products of a blind process. Source Read…

New Episode of “Long Story” Tackles the Origin of Life — Live Premiere on August 17

According to a bedtime story popular with materialists, unguided forces alone can explain the coming into existence of the very first cell. Source Read More Evolution News

Jay Richards Dismantles Carl Sagan’s Passive Theist

Sagan suggests that if we give up on the belief in God, then we can roll up our sleeves and save our planet. Source Read More Evolution News

Little Book, Big Waves — Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos, Nine Years Later

As a colleague points out, Nagel’s departure from the “right-thinking consensus” is on a par with David Gelernter’s 2019 farewell to Darwinism. Source Read More Evolution News

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