Rabbi Moshe Averick Deflates the Multiverse, and the New Atheists

Rabbi Averick shares his spirited takedown of the multiverse theory for the origin of life, and dismantles the “God of the Gaps” objection to ID. Source Read More Evolution News

The Design Connection in Biological Tracking Systems

If organisms resulted from haphazard undirected processes, their design constraints would be few and highly flexible. Source Read More Evolution News

Engineers in the Systems Biology Revolution

Systems biology is taking the biological world by storm, an approach that treats biological systems as optimally or near-optimally engineered systems. Source Read More Evolution News

Egnor Versus Dillahunty: “Does God Exist?”

There’s a time for gentle and friendly conversations with atheist and Darwinian interlocutors, and a time for a more, shall we say, pugilistic approach. Source Read More Evolution News

Person of Interest | with J. Warner Wallace

Detective Wallace is back to show us through his new book, Person of Interest, the monumental and unparalleled impact Jesus of Nazareth has had on the entire world.  But this isn’t…

Why Do We Call It Evil in the First Place?

Three centuries prior to the birth of Jesus, Greek philosopher Epicurus posed an enduring question related to the existence of God: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?…

Nearly All of Evolution Is Best Explained by Engineering

Transposable elements modify gene regulation in maize to confer drought tolerance, alter flowering time, and enable plants to grow in toxic aluminum soils. Source Read More Evolution News

La clave para reducir el estrés en la toma de decisiones

Por Bob Perry «¿Cuál es la voluntad de Dios para mí vida?» Es común escuchar esta pregunta al venir de alguien que está reflexionando sobre una difícil decisión en la…

In Science — But Not Just in Science — Who Can Still Believe the “Elites”?

The comforting old assumption seems more hollow by the day. The “gathering revolt” has arrived. Source Read More Evolution News

Oxford’s John Lennox: Why Science and the Universe Itself Call for a Creator

That there is something at all rather than nothing is a truth that atheists Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, and others have sought to smooth other. Source Read More Evolution News

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