Why We Can’t Know If The Universe Created Itself

By Al Serrato In the beginning, was… not the Word …. but the singularity event occurring in absolute nothingness and timelessness that spontaneously created all we see in the universe…

2084 with Dr. John Lennox

“Summoning a Demon” is how Telsa CEO Elon Musk referred to Artificial Intelligence.  Is he right?  Artificial Intelligence is here, and more is coming.  Will it bring us utopia or…

How Jesus “Emptied Himself”

By Ryan Leasure Few biblical texts receive as much attention as Philippians 2:5-8. It reads: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the…

From Christianity To Atheism: Parenting Millennials Under A Biblical Worldview

By Jason Jimenez This article is adapted from Jason’s book Abandoned Faith. Clayton, a sophomore in college, was influenced by a couple of classes taught by a professor from The Jesus…

Were There No Camels During the Time of Biblical Patriarchs?

By Mikel Del Rosario Camels in the Bible? Engaging skeptical challenges to the Old Testament and Camels in the Bible Most people I knew growing up had no problem saying…

An Intro to Arguments for God’s Existence

By J. Brian Huffling Does God exist? This has been one of the most asked questions in history with the most profound implications. As Norman Geisler used to say, our…

Are you a Selective Moralizer?

What makes you think that your moral views are correct?  If you were a white person in the Southern U.S. in 1840, what would you think of slavery?  If you…

Whose Morality Should We Legislate? 44 Quotes from Frank Turek and Norman Geisler

By Luke Nix “We’re living in a society in which people feel no obligation to control their own actions. Instead, we rationalize and justify every aberrant behavior under the umbrella of…

The Best Kind of Love

By Tim Stratton Question: Dear Dr. Stratton, In your interview with Jorge Gil on Cross Examined’s Hope One, you attempted to answer “all the problems of evil” by appealing to love.…

What I learned from my Father’s Death

In this very personal podcast, Frank reveals the lessons he’s learned from his Father’s recent death. He also reflects on C.S. Lewis’s argument from desire, and how Christianity makes the…

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