8 Tips to Discuss Politics, Race, Religion and Other Controversial Topics

By Luke Nix Who has not been exposed to or may be even involved in discussions of controversial topics these days? It seems that talk of politics, race, religion, and…

Marx Attacks!

By Phil Bair If I were to ask you who the most influential philosopher of the 21st Century is, what would your answer be? The correct answer might surprise you.…

What Is The Fine-Tuning Argument For God’s Existence, And Does The Multiverse Counter It?

By Wintery Knight  One of the best arguments for the existence of a Creator and Designer of the universe is the cosmic fine-tuning argument. The argument argues that individual constants…

The Mike Adams I Knew and Loved

Our friend Dr. Mike Adams has died.  He was a UNC Wilmington Criminology Professor, a Summit Professor, a columnist, and author, a Free Speech and Pro-life Warrior, a fellow instructor…

Book Review: How Reason Can Lead To God by Joshua Rasmussen

By Stelman Smith Jr. “I write for a specific sort of person. You value reason, science, and independent thinking. You question beliefs propped up by ‘faith’ without sufficient evidence. Maybe…

Christian Naivety is Harming the Church’s Engagement with Today’s Culture

By Natasha Crain I had no idea my last article, “5 Ways Christians are Getting Swept into a Secular Worldview in This Culture Moment,” would resonate with so many—it’s been liked…

God is the Good

By Brian Chilton At our church, we often say, “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.” But do we really contemplate what that means?…

Combat Operations and Christianity with Jason Sweet, Veteran USAF Special OPs

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary,” said James Madison, Father of the U.S. Constitution.   Since our natures are bent toward evil, someone must have the authority…

An Accurate Picture Of The World

By Bob Perry Jesus is the Logos. The Logos is a combination of truth, goodness, and beauty. Truth, goodness, and beauty are the references that give us a grounded Christian spirituality. That’s the True…

We Know Moral Truths Better Than We Know Many Scientific Claims

By Erik Manning I recently came across this article “10 Things You Should Know About Scientism” by Christian philosopher JP Moreland, and he dropped a truth-bomb that is too good to not…

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