Couldn’t the Fine-Tuning Parameters of the Universe Have Been Different? (Video)

In this clip from J. Warner Wallace’s longer talk on the existence of God from the fine-tuning of the universe (based on his book, God’s Crime Scene), J. Warner describes tackles…

Is the Earth Just a Pale Blue Dot in a Huge Hostile Universe? (Video)

If God exists, why is most of the universe hostile to life? Given that earth appears to be little more than just a pale blue dot in a huge hostile…

Four Reasons You Should Attend the CrossExamined Instructor Academy

Frank Turek, has been a dear friend, co-laborer and mentor. He’s the author of I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist, and Stealing from God, and a popular…

Tips for Teaching Christian Truth to Gen Z (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E05)

Given the unique nature of Gen Z as “digital natives,” how can we help teach them about the Christian worldview? What unique approaches might we engage to help young people…

Rapid Response: How Can You Say Christianity Is True If You Haven’t Examined All the Other Religions?

In our Rapid Response series, we tackle common concerns about (and objections to) the Christian worldview by providing short, conversational responses. These posts are designed to model what our answers…

Why Naturalistic Explanations for the Resurrection Are… Lame (Video)

When atheists account for the claims related to the Resurrection of Jesus, they take a variety of approaches. Why are these naturalistic explanations inadequate to explain the central event of…

Perhaps the Best Thing You Can Do for Young Christian Believers (Video)

J. Warner Wallace provides an important insight as part of the Summit Worldview Ministries video series. Why are immersive experiences like the Summit Worldview Conferences so important to the development…

Parents: Don’t Train Your Kids On Your Own

I became a Christian when my first two children were very young. They have no memory of me prior to my conversion. But all four of my kids were raised…

Simple Suggestions to Challenge Young Christians Toward Spiritual Maturity (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E04)

How can we help Gen Z believers to grow in their knowledge and spiritual maturity? What can parents, pastors and Christian educators do to raise up the next generation of…

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