Three Simple Rules for Apologetics Multimedia Presentations (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E07)

If all of us, as Christians, are called to become Christian Case Makers, ready to give an answer to anyone who has a question, what practical steps can we take…

What Criminal Trials Teach Us About Objective Moral Truth

I’ve been involved in numerous criminal trials over the years, most involving cold-case murderers. In many of these cases, the outcome was influenced (in large part) by activity outside the…

What Can I Do If My Son’s Teacher Won’t Accept the Bible as a Reliable Source of Information? (Video)

How can we respond to objections related to Biblical reliability? How specifically can we address this issue in a school setting? In this clip (recorded at the end of one…

If God Exists, He Wouldn’t Be So Hidden (Video)

If God exists, why does He seem absent in difficult times? Why doesn’t He appear to us physically? Why is He so hidden? In this video from J. Warner’s “Quick…

How C. S. Lewis Might Have Described Our Current Obsession with Monuments

A national conversation has begun about the monuments in our communities. Maybe you’ve seen the news coverage of protesters removing statues of historical figures due to the moral failings of…

Three Simple Strategies to Help You Become A Better Christian Case Maker (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S6E06)

If all of us, as Christians, are called to become Christian Case Makers, ready to give an answer to anyone who has a question, what practical steps can we take…

Rapid Response: You Don’t Need God to Explain Consciousness

In our Rapid Response series, we tackle common concerns about (and objections to) the Christian worldview by providing short, conversational responses. These posts are designed to model what our answers might look…

Couldn’t the Fine-Tuning Parameters of the Universe Have Been Different? (Video)

In this clip from J. Warner Wallace’s longer talk on the existence of God from the fine-tuning of the universe (based on his book, God’s Crime Scene), J. Warner describes tackles…

Is the Earth Just a Pale Blue Dot in a Huge Hostile Universe? (Video)

If God exists, why is most of the universe hostile to life? Given that earth appears to be little more than just a pale blue dot in a huge hostile…

Four Reasons You Should Attend the CrossExamined Instructor Academy

Frank Turek, has been a dear friend, co-laborer and mentor. He’s the author of I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist, and Stealing from God, and a popular…

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