Switzerland Authorities Take Teenager Away From Parents After They Refuse to ‘Transition’ Her

“Swiss authorities have taken our child, our daughter, who’s 16 years old. We, as parents are facing an alliance between the school, the Swiss Child Protection Agency, the Swiss Hospital in Geneva, and we feel powerless,” stated two Swiss residents, who have asked to speak anonymously for the protection of their family.

Since April 2023, the couple’s daughter has been in government shelter after her parents would not allow her “gender transition,” according to the legal group fighting for the parent’s rights, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

It started when the teenager was experiencing sexual-identity confusion after the pandemic. After telling her parents, she received their support and love, and agreed to receive mental health care and medical advice. Her parents, freighted by the life-altering prospect of “puberty blockers” and “transition,” rejected her request for the “potentially irreversible” drugs, after the hospital informed the parents they must begin treating her as a male, despite their objection.

The daughter’s school then ignored the parent’s objection to “socially transition” her. Everyone at the school started to call the girl a male name, despite the parents being upfront with the school that it was not their decision. The school then put her in contact with Le Refuge, a transgender advocacy organization, that continued to encourage the girl in her “gender confusion.”

As ADF states, “For seeking to protect the healthy and well-being of their daughter, they now face a legal stand-off over their fundamental rights as parents to care for their child who, residing in a government shelter, is being encouraged to pursue dangerous medical interventions to ‘transition.’”

The court case is currently unfolding in Swiss courts. Meanwhile, the teenage girl is still in government custody.

“My daughter now lives in a government home. Our access to her is regulated by the government,” her father said in an interview with ADF. He continued, “I can’t believe we live in a society where your child can be taken away from you simply for trying to protect her.”

Her mother pleaded, “We want out daughter back home. We love her and we miss her.”

With the case brought against them, and their daughter being stripped from their arms, it has provided the family with “many sleepless nights, a lot of deep pain, and a sense of hopelessness.”

Click here to watch the full disheartening video of parents longing for their child to be returned to their arms.  You can also support the case and the parents.


Focus on the Family exists to help families, and that includes help navigating the issues of homosexuality and transgenderism. Focus offers a free, one-time counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. To request a counseling consultation, call 1-855-771-HELP (4357) or fill out our Counseling Consultation Request Form.


Related articles and resources:

Counseling Consultation & Referrals

Transgender Resources

Addressing Gender Identity with Honesty and Compassion

The Journey Back to My True Identity

What is ‘Gender Identity’

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