Men don’t belong in women’s sports.
After years of watching men swing, shatter, punch and stomp their way to women’s trophies, its refreshing to know the vast majority of Americans — including the president — finally agree.
But America’s rediscovery of women’s rights doesn’t erase years of affirming young men for invading women’s spaces and stealing their athletic victories.
States, public schools and institutions like the NCAA aren’t stepping up to protect your sisters, daughters and nieces. Some proudly pledge to continue allowing boys to compete in girls sports, even if they lose federal funding.
Men are still taking women’s trophies. Girls are still being forced to change in front of boys.
It’s vital that parents and concerned citizens stand in the gap for their loved ones. Your mission? Eliminate incentives for men to compete in women’s sports — starting with the coaches.
Boys make girls teams virtually unbeatable, which means coaches have incentives to recruit them.
This isn’t a cynical take. Allen Cornwall coaches Class A track and field in Maine, where Katie Spencer, formerly John Rydzewski, “won” a pole-vaulting title in February. The former track and field official told Outkick:
The unnamed coach’s “championship fever” was so strong, Cornwall alleged, that he kept quiet about Spencer taking a biological female’s place. Outkick paraphrases:
Too often, coaches abdicate their protective responsibilities by blaming the institution in charge. “The [school, institution, state, ad nauseum] allows men to participate,” they say. “My hands are tied.”
I would have had more sympathy for this argument four years ago. Under the previous presidential administration, coaches risked termination and federal prosecution for keeping males off women’s sports teams. In the days of Lia, formerly Will, Thomas, most coaches likely didn’t know what gender ideology was — let alone how to combat it.
Today, those excuses hold no weight. The ol’ “man says he’s woman to appear better at sports” playbook is predictable. The Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services and Education (what remains of it) are behind coaches who keep men off women’s teams.
So are parents and almost 80% of Americans.
So, if you are a coach, protect your female players — period. Do not allow a man to join your team. If you are forced to do so, inform parents immediately and ensure the man changes in a separate locker room. Speak emphatically and often about your concern for your players’ safety.
Parents, make allowing a man on a girls’ team so inconvenient and unpleasant that coaches have no desire to recruit them. Talk about Title IX violations open and honestly with anyone who will listen. Attend school board meetings, contact your local family policy council, file a discrimination complaint with the Department of Education — anything warning coaches against allowing men to participate in women’s sports.
As always, children’s safety comes first. If a coach remains unwilling to keep a girls team single-sex, parents must remove their daughter from the dangerous situation.
It’s easier than ever for Americans to speak out against men pushing women out of their own sports. It’s past time for coaches to buck up and get on board — and for parents to make them.
Additional Articles and Resources
Girls Just Wanna Have Privacy: Mom Files Complain About Male in Girl’s Locker Room
Maine School Violated Title IX, Must Apologize, Feds Say
Trump Signs Executive Order Protecting Women’s Sports and Spaces
Yet Another man Steals Women’s Trophies
Olympic Women’s Boxing Champ is Officially a Man
San Jose Coach Suspended for Filing Discrimination Complaint Against Transgender Player
Victory for Girls Sports: Court Halts DOE Redefinition of Sex
Shoving Girls Off the Podium: More Male Athletes Participating in Girls Sports
Olympic Privilege? Officials Protect Women’s Sports — But Only at the Highest Level
Male and Female Biology Matters
New Study: Testosterone Blockers and Female Hormones Don’t Erase Male-Female Athletic Differences
The post Girls Sports Coaches are Incentivized to Recruit Men — Parents Shouldn’t Let Them appeared first on Daily Citizen.
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