Feds Yank $400 Million from Columbia University Following Continued Antisemitism

Columbia University lost $400 million in government grants and contracts today for failing to address campus antisemitism, four federal agencies have announced. “Universities must comply with all federal antidiscrimination laws…

Did Sexual Selection Make Male Mosquitofish Really Smart?

It’s worth considering that the fish who can solve mazes may also be better able to stay out of the way of predators than the ones who couldn’t. Source Read…

Court Rules Washington Church Must Fund Abortions

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a Washington church can be forced to fund abortions. In a 2-1 opinion filed on March 6, 2025, a three-judge panel…

Teen shot multiple times at Christian school survived because of faith and doctors, family says

Nearly three months after their son was left critically injured during a shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Wisconsin, Christina and Brett Clardy say their son, River, is alive…

Katy Faust Fiercely Explains Why God’s Design for Family Matters

Katy Faust, founder and president of Them Before Us, sat down with Jordan Peterson on his show to talk about what family form serves children and humanity best and why.…

Aspiring rabbi sues Jews for Jesus for defamation over use of blurred stock photo in social media post

Attorneys say a defamation lawsuit filed by an aspiring rabbi claiming a social media post with his image falsely identified him with the religious organization Jews for Jesus is “meritless”…

It’s Weak Men Who Try to Compete Against Strong Women

If it’s still inconceivable to you that 45 senators voted against a bill protecting girls and women from getting pummeled by boys and men on the field, court, track or…

Wyoming becomes 29th state to pass a Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Wyoming has joined over two dozen other states in passing a state version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  Read More The Christian Post | RSS

Representative Says She’ll Refer ‘Sanctuary City’ Mayors for Prosecution

Mayors from four “sanctuary cities” faced questions from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform over city policies that restrict cooperation with federal immigrant authorities in their efforts to…

The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program – Administrator

The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders (YGL) initiative has been responsible for seeding many of the ruling elite into positions of power and influence within the worlds of business, civil society…

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