Our holy God dwells in unapproachable light. Even the angels cover their faces in His presence.
Yet the Lord has chosen to redeem a people for Himself. Saved by grace and set apart from the world, Christians have a new status as God’s holy ones. We’ve also received a new calling to pursue holiness by growing in Jesus’ likeness and taking His good news of salvation to the world.
Join us on September 19–20, 2025, for Ligonier’s 2025 Singapore Conference. At our first conference in Asia, we’ll hear focused teaching on the holiness of God, the way He makes us holy in Christ, and the fulfillment of our holy calling in the mission of the church. Register today and save with the early-bird rate.
Conference Sessions:
Holy, Holy, Holywith Sinclair Ferguson
Fallen Image Bearerswith Christopher Chia
Saints of God with Michael Reeves
Progressive Holiness with Michael Reeves
The Great Commissionwith Burk Parsons
Panel Discussion with Local Pastors
Questions & Answers with Chia, Ferguson, Parsons, and Reeves
The Lord is opening doors for gospel outreach throughout Asia. This event provides a strategic opportunity to serve Christians in this region of the world, as more than two billion souls live within a six-hour flight from the conference venue. Please join us in praying that God will use this conference to strengthen His church with the faithful proclamation of His Word.
Ligonier Ministries