Is It Wrong for Christians to Call Out Shepherds?

Should we criticize our fellow Christians? And when, if ever, is it appropriate to call out trusted pastors when they get something wrong? Contending for the faith can sometimes be seen as divisive, so how do you discern when to speak up and when to remain silent?

Megan Basham’s new book, ‘Shepherds for Sale‘ continues to spark controversy and this week, some of the controversy is coming Frank’s way! In this podcast episode, Frank responds to an email from a pastor and loyal listener who took offense to Frank and Megan’s criticism of the late pastor (and one of Frank’s favorite preachers) Tim Keller in a previous podcast episode. During the discussion, Frank will answer questions like:

Which issues should Christians publicly call out?
Where did Tim Keller go wrong politically, and was it reasonable for Megan to mention him in the book?
Did Tim Keller pull a “bait and switch” on Kirsten Powers? And what did her article reveal about her “Christian” worldview?
Why is it essential for pastors to discuss controversial cultural issues in church?
Is it fair to equate life and death laws with welfare laws?

Listen as Frank uncovers why the seeker-sensitive church model might be doing more harm than good, leaving both Christians and non-Christians confused. He’ll also dive into the real purpose of government and what it reveals about the true extent of human depravity. And next week, get ready for more as he continues the conversation about calling out beloved pastors, shepherds, and other Christians who occasionally stumble and misrepresent the essential teachings of Christ.


Resources mentioned during the episode:

FRANK’S BLOG POST: He Gets Us, But Do We Get Him?
KIRSTEN POWERS’ ARTICLE: My Complicated Feelings About Tim Keller
MARK TOOLEY’S ARTICLE: Church Transparency?
TIM KELLER’S Series of Political Tweets in April 2022
STEVEN BEGAKIS’ ARTICLE: Tim Keller is Wrong About Abortion

The post Is It Wrong for Christians to Call Out Shepherds? appeared first on Cross Examined.

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