From a Theistic Evolutionist, Long-Ago Answered Critiques of Stephen Meyer’s Book

Scott Buchanan’s review is now being recirculated because of the positive attention that Meyer has received from his recent Piers Morgan interview. Source Read More Evolution News

Alleged Criminal Abortionist Goes Free While Pro-Life Activists Sentenced to Prison

Peaceful pro-life activist Lauren Handy has been sentenced to nearly five years in federal prison, plus three years’ probation, for her participation in a protest at an abortion clinic in…

In Praise of Our Police Keeping Peace in These Chaotic Times

It’s “Police Week” in the United States, an annual observance dating back to 1962 when President John F. Kennedy established the tradition. Law enforcement officials are often in the headlines,…

Children’s clinic sues HHS to stop Biden admin.’s new definition of ‘sex’

A healthcare provider in Mississippi is suing the Biden administration over its new interpretation of nondiscrimination provisions barring discrimination on the basis of sex to include sexual orientation and gender…

Make an Impact. Become a Producer!

People are looking to the CSC to provide compelling, easy-to-understand information on subjects overrun by Darwinism. Source Read More Evolution News

Catholic priest apologizes after blessing same-sex couple as ‘holy spouses’

A Catholic priest has apologized after using the term “holy spouses” when providing a blessing to a same-sex couple and saying the rings they exchanged were a “sign of their…

Atheist, trans-identified pro-life activist sentenced to federal prison for FACE Act violation

The first pro-life atheist indicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act has been sentenced to 27 months in federal prison for participating in the 2020 blockade of…

WSJ is Wrong About Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Having No Dire Effects

The otherwise responsible Wall Street Journal went tabloid mode with a major article on how 20 years of legalized de-gendered marriage in America failed to produced the doom some family-advocates…

Remembering Francis Schaeffer

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Francis Schaeffer. Even those not familiar with this man known for “trademark knickers, often straggling hair, goatee, and intense scowl,” are indebted to…

Cannon Farms calls for prayers after 8 migrant workers killed in DUI crash

The family-owned Cannon Farms in Dunnellon, Florida, called for prayers and pledged to remain closed Wednesday after eight migrant workers traveling to work on their land were killed in a…

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