New Biden Admin. Rule Lets Men into Women’s Locker Rooms, Bathrooms and Sports

On Friday, the Biden administration released its long-awaited regulation that amends Title IX and redefines “sex” in federal law to include “gender identity.” This effectively erases “woman” as a protective…

Bishop apologizes after calling Biden ‘stupid’ for not understanding Catholicism

A Catholic bishop is apologizing for asserting that President Joe Biden, a self-professed practicing Catholic, was “stupid” because of his failure to understand the teachings of his faith. The Christian…

Jewish Students Urged to Flee Columbia University Following Antisemitic Protest

An Orthodox rabbi associated with Columbia University urged hundreds of Jewish students to leave campus Sunday, after pro-Hamas protests left many unsure of their safety. “[Recent events] have made it…

Bill Maher Does It Again, Speaking Truth About Sexually Grooming Kids

Liberal late-night show host Bill Maher is on an absolute tear exposing truths about what the liberal elites are really up to with children. Maher recently explained that abortion is…

The Church Needs More Christians with the Grace and Guts of Beverly LaHaye

Beverly LaHaye, who passed away earlier this month at the age of 94, went from being too shy to lead a prayer group at her church to founding and shepherding…

Seminary graduates poised to be priests trending younger: survey

Catholic men set to become priests later this year are trending younger than average and said their parents often influenced their decision to pursue the vocation, according to a new…

Dennis Quaid says new film ‘The Long Game’ will uplift viewers as ‘Hollywood has lost its way’

Dennis Quaid reveals why he’s hoping his new sports drama film “The Long Game” will counteract some of the negative content emerging from Hollywood. Read More The Christian Post |…

Traffickers face mandatory life in prison under new Alabama law billed as ‘toughest’ in nation

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed an anti-child trafficking law that raises the penalty for first-degree human trafficking to a mandatory life imprisonment sentence if the victim was a minor, a…

Anne Wilson hopes to inspire Christians to be a ‘rebel’ like Jesus with new album

Grammy-nominated Christian singer Anne Wilson has released a new album blending contemporary Christian music with mainstream country stylings and a theme stressing that Christians are viewed as “rebels” in society,…

Pastor Jack Graham endorses David Allen for SBC president

Texas megachurch Pastor Jack Graham has officially endorsed former pastor and seminary professor David Allen for president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Read More The Christian Post | RSS

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