What are the rules for engaging a teenage or adult child who is now identifying as trans, deems you toxic, and then threatens to completely cut you off? The natural reaction to freak out usually makes things much worse. But if this happens in your family, how do you work to salvage the relationship without compromising your faith?
Far too many parents and grandparents have been confronted with this unimaginable scenario, leaving them both discouraged and unsure of how to even respond. In this midweek podcast episode, Frank addresses this devastating trend while also providing some helpful tips on how to navigate these difficult situations by answering questions like:
How should you approach the situation if you’ve already impulsively freaked out?
Should you strive to be your “authentic self”?
What is a common factor in most true cases of gender dysphoria?
What’s one way to determine if someone is having a head problem or a heart problem?
What’s in the best interest of gender dysphoria patients according to John Hopkins psychiatrist, Dr. Paul McHugh?
These conversations are challenging but all hope is not lost! Taking the time to tactfully ask the right questions could better your chances of reaching your loved one, even if they don’t budge immediately. Listen as Frank gives you the tools to help your child (in the most loving way) recognize that his or her position doesn’t quite hold up.
To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place to jump into some great discussions with like-minded Christians while simultaneously providing financial support for our ministry.
The post “Approve of Me or Else!” What Do You Say? appeared first on Cross Examined.
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