Planned Parenthood released its annual report for 2021-2022, and it’s clear from the data—business is booming for the abortion seller.
According to the report, Planned Parenthood collected over $670 million in government funding, performed the second-highest number of abortions in the organization’s history, and provided fewer women’s health services.
Government funding for Planned Parenthood is up 5.8% from $633 million in last year’s report—an increase of more than $37 million in taxpayer funding to the organization. The rise in government funding was more than double the amount of growth from the previous year.
While taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood is at a record high, many health services have declined.
As reported by Christian Post, “prenatal services fell by 29% between 2021 and 2022. Additionally, miscarriage care fell by 5%, adoption referrals fell by 7%, STI tests fell by over 2% and pregnancy tests fell by 3.7%.”
Planned Parenthood made 2,667 adoption referrals in 2020, compared to 1,940 in 2021 and just 1,803 in 2022.
Ironically, at the same time Planned Parenthood’s services to women considering adoptions fell considerably. the abortion giant has continued to oppose pregnancy resource centers that help women considering alternatives to abortion.
The annual report shows abortions performed by Planned Parenthood dropped from about 383,000 in 2021 to roughly 374,000 in 2022. The small decrease in abortions is a welcomed sight, but the number of abortions carried out by the organization still represents the second-highest number of abortions in Planned Parenthood’s history.
LiveAction reports, based on the numbers in the annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 40% of all abortions in 2022—1,025 babies killed each day.
National Right to Life shared this poignant post on Twitter emphasizing just how much money Planned Parenthood is collecting and for what.
It’s clear from the annual report that abortion remains a top priority for Planned Parenthood.
In addition, the annual report shows an increase of over 1,600% for a single category known as “other procedures.” In 2021, other procedures accounted for about 16,000 services. In 2022, that number skyrocketed to 256,000.
The report shows that “other procedures” include “transgender” services as well as “WIC services (a federally funded nutrition program for low-income women, infants, and children up to the age of five), pediatric care, other adult preventive care, and high complexity visits, including infertility services.”
Lumping “transgender” services in with fertility care, WIC, and adult preventative care appears to be intentional to keep the public from knowing exactly how many “transgender” services are being provided.
So-called “gender-affirming care” which is really experimental hormone treatments and body mutilation is a growing service that Planned Parenthood uses to target mentally confused young people while turning a profit for the organization.
Photo from Shutterstock.
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