Ashley Shaw is an attorney and a former Focus on the Family public policy analyst. She left the ministry several years ago to devote her full-time attention to raising their family’s four children.
Ashley was a “Mama Bear” long before the term was used to describe protective and involved mothers. Principled, passionate, and bold, she’s the type of person who’s not afraid to make a point. Her tone is always respectful, but she also pulls no punches.
Case in point – her recent Facebook post on July 4th. This is how it began:
I have many friends on FB who privately message me and tell me they’re worried about what they’re seeing in our schools and in the culture at large. They ask me what can be done. They thank me for speaking out. So, in that spirit, allow me to share with you what my children have been exposed to in the last two weeks and what we’re doing about it:
(And if you happen to think any of the following events is perfectly ok for children to experience, this wall ain’t your soap box):
A Disney+ show that displayed two men nervously attracted to each other and one asking the other on a date. My children asked us about this.
An employee of a local coffee shop handing my 6-year-old daughter rainbow-pin propaganda.
A man at a park telling my children that two grandmas were married and that gay marriage is legal. Our kids asked us about this topic—again.
I’ll spare you my initial reaction to people forcing the LGBT agenda on my kids in these instances, though my inner mama bear is still raging.
Here’s what’s we’re doing now:
We’re talking to our oldest boys about gay “marriage.” Not because we want to but because someone else (Disney, the coffee shop employee and the man at the park) thought it was time my kids heard about this topic. These people may have had the first say with my kids, but they won’t have the final one.
We are canceling Disney+ (we’re late to the party on this one, I know).
We’re being more mindful and prayerful about how soon we talk to our kids about these topics. We won’t explain every detail about every cultural issue, but we will continue to discuss with our kids the truthful and biblical worldview and teach them how to respectfully debate these topics with unbelievers as they get older.
We will continue to cultivate the best “greenhouse” we can for our kids’ innocent souls to grow in godliness and wisdom. Will outside influences still try to penetrate their hearts and minds? Sure. But those outside influences will have to first make it through their father and me, their grandparents, and their loved ones—all fighting on our knees in prayer for the souls of our four children.
What Satan meant for evil this week (Look, kids! Love is just love! No big deal! The Bible’s commands are outdated! Who cares what values your parents hold!), God will use for good. These Scripture-soaked, prayer-covered conversations are already happening in the safety and love of our home. Why? Because as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Ashley speaks for countless parents navigating an incredibly mixed up and debased world. Here at Focus on the Family, we stand ready to help and encourage. Parenthood has never been for the faint-at-heart, but moms and dads are faced with a unique set of challenges in this summer of 2022.
Photo from Shutterstock.
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