Cultic KJVOism, then a Deep Dive into Theological Method

Went more than 90 minutes today starting off with a warning about the abusive forms of cultic KJVOism out there, looking at the Ruckman-esque behavior of one Cody Zorn, a…

India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa’s Christian charity

India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country.…

India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa’s Christian charity

India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country.…

India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa’s Christian charity

India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country.…

India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa’s Christian charity

India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country.…

India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa’s Christian charity

India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country.…

India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa’s Christian charity

India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country.…

India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa’s Christian charity

India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country.…

USA Swimming official resigns after 30 years, says trans policy is ‘destroying’ the sport

A veteran USA Swimming official of three decades has resigned in protest over the University of Pennsylvania’s allowance of Lia Thomas to compete on the university women’s swimming team after…

USA Swimming official resigns after 30 years, says trans policy is ‘destroying’ the sport

A veteran USA Swimming official of three decades has resigned in protest over the University of Pennsylvania’s allowance of Lia Thomas to compete on the university women’s swimming team after…

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