Texas lawmaker’s sacrifice for life saving bill

However, the abortion issue has no neutral position. Either one fights for the lives of the preborn or they sit silent, watching others kill the vulnerable. Saying nothing about an…

Texas lawmaker’s sacrifice for life saving bill

However, the abortion issue has no neutral position. Either one fights for the lives of the preborn or they sit silent, watching others kill the vulnerable. Saying nothing about an…

Texas lawmaker’s sacrifice for life saving bill

However, the abortion issue has no neutral position. Either one fights for the lives of the preborn or they sit silent, watching others kill the vulnerable. Saying nothing about an…

Texas lawmaker’s sacrifice for life saving bill

However, the abortion issue has no neutral position. Either one fights for the lives of the preborn or they sit silent, watching others kill the vulnerable. Saying nothing about an…

Garland suffers from truth decay

Garland, and the Biden administration in general, need to heed the Republicans’ advice to stop the bleeding. “I suggest that you quickly change your course,” Grassley admonished, “because you’re losing…

Garland suffers from truth decay

Garland, and the Biden administration in general, need to heed the Republicans’ advice to stop the bleeding. “I suggest that you quickly change your course,” Grassley admonished, “because you’re losing…

Garland suffers from truth decay

Garland, and the Biden administration in general, need to heed the Republicans’ advice to stop the bleeding. “I suggest that you quickly change your course,” Grassley admonished, “because you’re losing…

Garland suffers from truth decay

Garland, and the Biden administration in general, need to heed the Republicans’ advice to stop the bleeding. “I suggest that you quickly change your course,” Grassley admonished, “because you’re losing…

Garland suffers from truth decay

Garland, and the Biden administration in general, need to heed the Republicans’ advice to stop the bleeding. “I suggest that you quickly change your course,” Grassley admonished, “because you’re losing…

Garland suffers from truth decay

Garland, and the Biden administration in general, need to heed the Republicans’ advice to stop the bleeding. “I suggest that you quickly change your course,” Grassley admonished, “because you’re losing…

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