I Lay My Life in Your Hands: How Faith Prays in the Dark – Jon Bloom

Down through church history, Christians have referred to the seven statements Jesus spoke from the cross as the “last words” of Christ. According to tradition, the very last of these…

National sins and miseries

Many contemporary Christians claim modern nations are nearly inconsequential to God. Not so to Wesley. Many contemporary Christians like to assume they are innocent victims amid hostile culture and unjust…

National sins and miseries

Many contemporary Christians claim modern nations are nearly inconsequential to God. Not so to Wesley. Many contemporary Christians like to assume they are innocent victims amid hostile culture and unjust…

National sins and miseries

Many contemporary Christians claim modern nations are nearly inconsequential to God. Not so to Wesley. Many contemporary Christians like to assume they are innocent victims amid hostile culture and unjust…

National sins and miseries

Many contemporary Christians claim modern nations are nearly inconsequential to God. Not so to Wesley. Many contemporary Christians like to assume they are innocent victims amid hostile culture and unjust…

National sins and miseries

Many contemporary Christians claim modern nations are nearly inconsequential to God. Not so to Wesley. Many contemporary Christians like to assume they are innocent victims amid hostile culture and unjust…

National sins and miseries

Many contemporary Christians claim modern nations are nearly inconsequential to God. Not so to Wesley. Many contemporary Christians like to assume they are innocent victims amid hostile culture and unjust…

National sins and miseries

Many contemporary Christians claim modern nations are nearly inconsequential to God. Not so to Wesley. Many contemporary Christians like to assume they are innocent victims amid hostile culture and unjust…

Don’t waste your life underestimating your soul

Just like how our joints and marrow in our physical bodies work together, our soul and spirit work in tandem. But we can’t really be who God wants us to…

Don’t waste your life underestimating your soul

Just like how our joints and marrow in our physical bodies work together, our soul and spirit work in tandem. But we can’t really be who God wants us to…

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